This is the second list of Primary focussed teachers that I have produced. These are people that I have interacted with and followed rather than a list of people that I have looked up. Apologies if you haven't made the list but I am sure there will be a further list very soon. The first 50 can be found here.
@AllanaG13 - Secondary Leader in Primary Ed - #BAMEed Founder @Brogan_Mr - #WhatItaughttoday Deputy Head @cazzash - Deputy head and children's book fan @ChrisChivers2 - Francophile and all round knowledgeable guy @Claresealy - Primary Head Teacher in that there London @DaisyMay29 - Teacher, Reader, Writer, Dreamer @Darynsimon - Teacher often at the heart of the debate @etaknipsa - Curiosity hasn't killed this primary teacher... yet! @ey_inspiration1 - Early years duet @GalwayMr - Part of the amazing Herts for Learning team @gareth_metcalfe - He sees maths! @geordiecat2012 - Cat lady teacher @hengehall ICT Master Wizard @HeyMissPrice - Always sharing great Literacy ideas @HopeStreetBlues - Member of the optimistic SLT society @isright - I wouldn't want to walk a week in his shoes he runs too far! @JulesDaulby Literacy, SEND and a penguin @librarymice - School Librarian sharing great books @Libwithattitude - with attitude like this the books are never late back @lobroo - My oldest Antipodean twitter pal! @macfin76 - Y1 teacher who likes a ramble @Marygtroche Almost legendary critical thinking bookworm @MaryMyatt - Hopeful about schools @Mr_P_hillips - Friend, Teacher, Entertainer (in that order) @MrBKing1988 - A thoroughly entertaining twitter feed @MrBReading - One of my 'go to' book peeps @MrBoothY6 - Computing lead who loves books even more than computers! @MrEFinch - Generally irritated except when on a reading spree @MrGPrimary - his bio says incompetent but I can't believe that! @MrMarchayes - holder of multiple learning powers @nancygedge - SEND legend! @NikkiGamble - Off exploring children's literature @OldPrimaryHead1 - <--Does what it says on the tin! @Parky_teaches - Love of books, StarWars and Night Zoos @pickleholic - Headteacher of Hogwarts @pivotalpaul - Teacher wrangler @primarypercival - Genius behind the Ladybird book of Edutwitter @rachelrossiter - SENDco checking your ladder is against the right wall @RobertsNiomi - Laminating Queen ;) @Sarah_Jayne1982 - Teaching the next generation @Sarah_Wright1 - Enthusiastic Senior Primary Edu Lecturer @Skippity_doo - Another awesome librarian sharing awesome books @Thatboycanteach - Positive teacher knocking out some great blogs @theprimaryhead - the definite article @trainingtoteach - filled with positivity for the job - will he change his twitter handle soon? @Vocabularyninja - Creeps up behind you and shares words of the day (PS I know there are only 45 but I have left some space for when people inform me who I have missed out) As always I welcome your comments.
Plus follow the new subject specific Primary Rocks threads for themed ideas and discussions. #primaryrocks (more coming soon too)
I have planned a long blog about reading. How it is more than just decoding the words and when using a picture book the pictures are not there to help the children decode the words but to add to the narrative and enhance the story tenfold. However, I am now on holiday, we have a new website to launch, a publisher deadline looming for the new book and two children to keep entertained. If you would like to read a great blog about reading and picture books then I recommend this blog by @sputniksteve. This blog is going to be about a little boy called Monty. (here he is below) Monty is going to be two years old in July and already he likes sharing books with his Mummy, brother and me - his Daddy. Today we visited Bamburgh Castle and he chose, alongside a sponge sword, this beautiful book by Petr Horacek. This is what happened when we got back to the cottage and read it. 'Puffin Peter' is a story about two puffins; one called Peter and one called Paul. One day whilst out diving there was a 'big, big storm. Peter was lost.'
July 2020