I recently came across these great interactive story books on the app store, like all great finds, whilst I was looking for something else. The iClassic bundle contains 12 interactive tales from four of the world's greatest authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Alan Poe, Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde. The Lovecraft stories are probably more suitable for students in secondary school (age 11+) The Poe and Dickens stories are suitable for students in UKS2 (ages 9+) but it will be a good idea to read them before sharing with your class. The Oscar Wilde texts are suitable for children from around Year 3 (7+) Lovecraft titles - The Hound, The Window and Dagon - there is also a brief biography of the author.
Poe titles - Eldorado, The Cask of Amontadillo, Alone, The Facts in the case of M. Valdemar.
Dickens Titles - Christmas Ghosts, The Ivy Green, A Madman's Manuscript and a brief biography.
Wilde titles - The Selfish Giant, The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose plus a biography.
Happy reading!
1 Comment
2/1/2017 10:48:33 pm
I have been trying to find the Wilde titles in the App store but have been unsuccessful. Where did you find them?
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July 2020