Together, together, together everyone Together, together, come on lets have some fun Together, were there for each other every time Together together come on lets do this right - Taken from 'High School Musical' Whenever I visit a school I ask how many teachers are in twitter and use it for professional purposes. The answers are usually the same - very few! Of course there are exceptions when almost all teachers use it and even when classes have their own twitter accounts for sharing ideas, good practise and celebrating childrens' work and achievements. When I ask why staff are not on twitter they usually say that they do not have the time. Which I can understand as it can become addictive. It is interesting to see that mant of the staff have Facebook though they usually only use it for personal reasons rather than professional. Twitter is amazing and filled with so many people sharing ideas, research and practice. There are also many Facebook pages being created for the sharing and discussion of ideas and resources. I use a short animation to illustrate the usefulness of social media to teachers. It's smarter to travel in groups This is a Belgian Bus advert and the text at the end says it is smarter to travel in groups. Teaching is like this ice floe and the more teachers we can get onto the ice, the better chance we have against the predators. Depending on where you work this may be SLT, Ofsted or other external pressures. Twitter and Facebook can are filled with experts that you can speak to at your own leisure, from classroom practitioners, authors, ofsted inspectors, head teachers, scientists researchers and many more. Get twittering and facebookering. I was going to add a list of #tweachers here but I wouldn't like to list them here and offend some people by missing them out. If you have twitter please leave your twitter handle in the comments section so people can add you. Thanks Rob @redgierob Some facebook pages that may be of interest: Literacy Shed Maths Shed Resources ideas and stress relief Reading for pleasure
Gaz Needle
13/5/2015 01:19:21 pm
Agree. Be careful who you choose as your personal learning network on there. Many are really friendly. Some a little prickly! Check out #geekteachersquad or the list geek teacher squad on my lists to find some friendly people! @gazneedle
Jon Biddle
13/5/2015 02:21:39 pm
Totally agree, Twitter is one of the most useful resources out there. Wonderful for networking and collaboration. We have a class account and everytime I post something about what the kids have learned or achieved, there's a real buzz of excitement.
13/5/2015 02:49:35 pm
Totally agree, have just set up Twitter account for my school. Follow us @Croesyprimary
13/5/2015 03:33:21 pm
Couldn't agree more! Twitter is the world's biggest staff room providing the best CPD there is.
2/6/2015 12:53:11 am
I love being able to go to Twitter when I'm stuck with something or need some fresh ideas. It's great to know others feel the same without listening to big long staff room rants! @notosayto
7/6/2015 03:18:49 am
We have just joined the twitter world. Come and follow us at @olssmiranda
Jennifer Travis
24/6/2015 05:47:59 am
@TravisLiteracy Comments are closed.
July 2020