An example of a Literacy Shed lesson. Approx 90 mins - 2 hours. Show an image of stars and discuss with the pupils what they know about space. Following this discussion then I lead the children on a 'guided voyage' through a soundscape while the children close their eyes and listen to the soundtrack from the following film. (I play from around 50 secs)
Play the verb game, ask the children to move around the classroom as an alien or an astronaut. Stop the children and discuss their movements. Ask what movement they have been acting out. Flying, floating, walking, waving, talking etc. Discuss what each child has been acting out. Each of these words end in the suffix -ing, all of these words are actions and we call these verbs. Watch the following film 'Way Back Home' Whilst watching the film, pause at appropriate points to check children's understanding. Show the children the following image: Ask the children to describe a part of one of the aliens. For example 'one bulging eye,' a large grey head' the children then move around the classroom reading out their post it. Children are tasked with listening and finding someone who has described the same alien as them. Ask if they think they can join the two descriptions together using a connective.
Rewatch the film so that it is fresh in the minds of the children. Pause at the point where our hero meets the alien. Ask the children to act out this dialogue with their partners and share some great examples with the rest of the class. Children then retell the story using the story map - adding in their own descriptions of the planet and the alien. The children then rewrite the story in their own words. This needs to be done using the conventions that you usually use in class, the writing frames, support structures that the children are used to. If you would like to discuss any of this lesson please use twitter @redgierob or leave a comment. Thanks Rob We offer writing workshops from Y1 - Y9 and can cater for most themes and text types. Email [email protected] for details.
Krishna Ramadugu
9/11/2014 09:14:48 pm
Anil Gaind
10/11/2014 12:30:09 pm
Love this idea. Where can I obtain the videos as I need to download them as the school system does not allow the website.
8/6/2015 11:55:38 pm
I really appreciate your nice work that makes this blog so knowledgeable.
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